
FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Hirut Grossberger

  • Senior Researcher Carl Ritter von Ghega Institute for Integrated Mobility Research
  • International Coordinator
  • Department of Rail Technology and Mobility
Location: B - Campus-Platz 1
M: +43/676/847 228 667

Study programmes

  • Rail Technology and Management of Railway Systems (MA)
  • Rail Technology and Mobility (BA)


  • Rail Technology and Mobility

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Hampp, J., Grossberger, H., Schiller, L., & Gericke, K. (2024). Dachbegrünung in Verkehrsstationen– Grundlagen und Pilotierung. DER EISENBAHNINGENIEUR, 5/24, 38.
Grossberger, H., Rieger-Jandl, A., Stock, L., Wolbert, M., Michelberger, F., & Rischanek, F. (2023, September 29). Lehm als Werkstoff für Lärmschutzwände in System Bahn- FFG -Sondierungsprojekt [Posterpräsentation]. European Researchers Night (ERN); Thema: "kreislaufwirtschaft und Nachhaltigkeit," Graz Joaneumsviertel.
Pellegrini, T., Neumaier, S., Havur, G., Mesbahi, Z., Wagner-Havlicek, C., Grossberger, H., Kaltenbrunner, L., & Schneidergruber, M. (2023). DPP4ALL – A Digital Product Passport for All (p. 246). Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie.
Grossberger, H., Stock, L., Michelberger, F., & Rieger-Jandl, A. (2023, 25.11). A sustainable alternative for railroad noise barrier. IX International Symposium: New Horizon 2023 of Transport and Communications, Doboj, Bosnien Herzogowina.
Wagner, A., Nash, A., Michelberger, F., Grossberger, H., & Lancaster, G. (2023). The Effectiveness of Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) for Broken Rail Detection. Energies, 16(1).
Grossberger, H., Stock, L., Rieger-Jandl, A., & Michelberger, F. (2023, 20.10). Noise barrier - possible solution to support construction excavation logistics. 1st International Conference on Transport, Logistics and Management, Johari Rotana Hotel, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Wagner, A., Nash, A., Michelberger, F., Grossberger, H., & Lancaster, G. (2022). The effectiveness of Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) for broken rail detection. Road and Rail Infrastructure VII, Proceedings of the Conference CETRA 2022, 277–283.
Goban, P., Grossberger, H., & Mach, M. (2022). Untergrundsanierungsmethoden im Vergleich – Gegenüberstellung gleisgebundener und konventioneller Methoden zur Steigerung von Wirtschaftlichkeit und Qualität. ETR - Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau, 3.
Grossberger, H., & Schwarzinger, M. (2022, 17.11). A combined application of LCA and CE in bridge lifecycle management: A case study on a reinforced concrete bridge. Transportation Research Procedia. Transport Research Arena Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
Geiger, A., Grossberger, H., & Michelberger, F. (2020). Mobile Applikation für Brückeninspektion- Ein App-basiertes Tool zur Unterstützung von Inspektionen an Stahlbetonbrücken. ETR Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau, 68–71.
Geiger, A., Grossberger, H., & Michelberger, F. (2020). Smart Inspection - Entwicklung eines App-basierten Tools zur Unterstützung von Inspektionen an Stahlbetonbrücken in Österreich. Der Eisenbahningenieur, 03/2020, 19–21.
Geiger, A., Grossberger, H., & Michelberger, F. (2020). Mobile Applikation für Brückeninspektion- Ein App-basiertes Tool zur Unterstützung von Inspektionen an Stahlbetonbrücken. ETR Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau, 68–71.
Michelberger, F., & Grossberger, H. (2019, October). Inspiring and Hiring the Next Generation - Strategies for a Common Approach.
Grossberger, H., & Michelberger, F. (2019, 30.11). Railway Infrastructure Lifecycle Asset Management – a case study. VII International Symposium: New Horizons 2019 of Transport and Communication, Doboj, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Grossberger, H., & Michelberger, F. (2019, 14.11). Lifecycle Costing of Railway Infrastructures in a Developing Economy. INNORAIL 2019, Tradition and Progress – Railways in the Digital Age, Budapest, Hungary.
Grossberger, H., Geiger, A., & Michlberger, F. (2019, 14.11). Mobile Application for bridge maintenance and management. INNORAIL 2019, Tradition and Progress – Railways in the Digital Age, Budapest, Hungary.
Grossberger, H., Geiger, A., & Michlberger, F. (2019). Mobile Application for bridge maintenance and management.
Michelberger, F., Scherzer, J., & Grossberger, H. (2019, October 9). Job Profile Train Driver - Dealing with Current and Future Challenges. 5th UIC World Congress on Rail Training, Rabat, Morocco.
Michelberger, F., & Grossberger, H. (2019, October 9). Inspiring and Hiring the Next Generation - Strategies for a Common Approach. 5th UIC World Congress on Rail Training, Rabat, Morocco.
Grossberger, H., Michelberger, F., & Wagner, A. (2018, April). Smart Inspection – Innovative solutions for maintenance of railway bridges.
Grossberger, H. (2018, 11). Asset Life Cycle Management. Technical Assistance to Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and the state- owned railway companies in Serbia- Comprehensive Railway Reform, Belgrade.
Grossberger, H., Michelberger, F., & Wagner, A. (2018, April 16). Smart Inspection – Innovative solutions for maintenance of railway bridges. Transport Research Arena (TRA) 2018, Vienna.
Grossberger, H., & Preslmayr, T. (2018, 04.-18.04). Academic Railway Education at the University of Applied Sciences. International Seminar for Railway Education and Training, Birmingham, UK.
Grossberger, H., & Preslmayr, T. (2017). Methoden und Angebote der Nachwuchsförderung in der Eisenbahnausbildung der FH St. Pölten. Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau, Verlag DVV Media Group, Eurailpress, Hamburg, 09/2017, 78–79.
Grossberger, H., Binder, S., & Michelberger, F. (2017). Bridging gaps - effective links. European J. Cross-Cultural Competence and Management, Vol. 4(Nos. 3/4), 218–235.
Grossberger, H. (2017, November 5). A systematic, continuous monitoring of track geometry using tachymeter. 5. Tagung Innovation Messtechnik, Wien.
Grossberger, H., Matausch, P., Michelberger, F., & Bogensberger, B. (2017, Mai). A systematic, continuous monitoring of track geometry using tachymeter. 5. Tagung Innovation Messtechnik. Neuheiten in der Sensorenwelt und in der Messelektronik sowie deren Anwendungsgebiete, Deutschland.
Grossberger, H., Binder, S., & Michelberger, F. (2017). Bridging gaps - effective links. In European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management (pp. 218–235).
Matausch, P., Grossberger, H., Michelberger, F., & Bogensberger, B. (2016). Optimale Gleisüberwachung mittels Geomonitorings- Weiterentwicklung eines Geomonitoringsystems für den Einsatz im Bereich Bahn. Nr. 12, 77–83.
Grossberger, H., & Michelberger, F. (2016, April). Integrated Lifecycle Assessment of raillway infrastructures. 10. FORSCHUNGSFORUM DER ÖSTERREICHISCHEN FACHHOCHSCHULEN 2016. 127: Life-Cycle-Engineering im Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau Und Hochbau, Wien.
Michelberger, F., Grossberger, H., & Judmaier, P. (2016). Rare earth elements in railway infrastructure – potentials for an information system as a tool for operators and other stakeholders. Transport Problems INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL(Volume 10 Special Edition), 111–124.
Grossberger, H., Michelberger, F., & Röhl, J. (2016, October 13). A novel design of catenary mast system. The International Journal of the University of Niš FACTA UNIVERSITATIS – Series: Mechanical Engineering. INTERNATIONAL XVI SCIENTIFIC-EXPERT CONFERENCE ON RAILWAYS RAILCON"16, University of Nis, Serbia.
Grossberger, H., Mauler, C., & Michelberger, F. (2016, October 19). Lifecycle based user value analysis of rail-road level crossings: Probabilistic approach using Monte Carlo simulation. Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication. the 16th International conference on eeliability and statistics in transportation and communication, Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Riga, Lativia.
Grossberger, H., & Michelberger, F. (2015, October 16). Lifecycle Assessment of Existing Railway Infrastructures and Probabilistic Performance Approaches. INNORAIL2015 Konferenz, Budapest.
Strauss, A., Vodovic, A., Zambon, I., Grossberger, H., & Bergmeister, K. (2015). Monitoring Information and Probabilistic-Based Prediction Models for the Performance Assessment of Concrete Structures.
Michelberger, F., & Grossberger, H. (2015, July 15). Rare Earth Elements in Railway Infrastructure – Potentials for an Information System as a Tool for Operators and other Stakeholder. RailNewcastle Conference, Newcastle University, UK.
Strauss, A., Grossberger, H., Bergmeister, K., Zimmermann, T., Ralbovsky, M., Alten, K., & Lachinger, S. (2015). Comprehensive infrastructure life-cycle assessment. Life-Cycle of Structural Systems- Futura, Frangopol & Akiyama (Eds). 4th International Symposium on Lifecycle Engineering, Japan, Tokyo.
Grossberger, H., Strauss, A., & Bergmeister, K. (2014, October). Framework for Lifecycle Assessment of Engineering Structures. Proceeding: Concrete Offers for Period of Economic Recovery. 10th Central european Congress on concrete engineering, Liberec, Czech republic.
Grossberger, H. (2014). Framework for Lifecycle Assessment of Engineering Structures. Universität für Bodenkultur (BOKU).
Bergmeister, K., Grossberger, H., & Strauss, A. (2013, November). Are antifragile structures reliable? 11th International Probabilistic Workshop; D. Novak & M. Vorechovsky (Eds). the 11th International probabilistic workshop, Brno, Czech Republic.
Strauss, A., Grossberger, H., Urban, S., & Schütz, R. (2013, June). Performance assessment of concrete structures using monitoring information and probabilistic based prediction models. 11th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability., Columbia University New York, NY.
Strauss, A., Grossberger, H., & Bergmeister, K. (2013). Gamma processes for the degradation analysis of engineering structures. Third International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, Vienna.
Grossberger, H., & Strauss, A. (2012). Application of Gamma Process in Bridge Lifecycle Assessment. Jure Radic, MarijaKuster (Eds.), CCC2012 Proceedings. Durability of Concrete Structures. 8th Central European Concrete Conference, Croatia.